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Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology

Accelerated international cooperation on green technology to reduce CO₂

  • HITS : 6643
  • Date : 2011-11-17
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Accelerated international cooperation on green technology to reduce CO₂

-MOU signed between KORDI and US NETL-

International joint research on Carbon Dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technology



□ KORDI (president: Jung-Geuk Kang) signed an MOU with the US Department of Energy-affiliated NETK (National Energy Technology Laboratory, hereinafter NETL) for joint development and research on the commercialization of CCS related core technology at KORDI headquarters, Ansan on NOV 16th (WED) at 04:00 PM.


※ CCS : Carbon Capture and Storage


□ CCS technology is a widely known technology that is used to reduce large-scale greenhouse gas by liquefying the carbon dioxide captured at its source, such as a power plant, and transporting it to a depth of 800 m or lower to store in a sedimentary layer. Republic of Korea is considered as an ideal place for storage with locations where the seafloor marine sedimentary layer is well developed, including Ulleung Basin etc.


□ The CCS marine research group of KORDI has implemented research and development business (CO₂marine underground storing technology development business, MLTM, 2005~2015, 90 billion KRW invested) to store CO₂in the seafloor geological structure for the first time in Korea, and has been taking the lead in the related technology development since 2005 with the support of MLTM.


ㅇ In particular, the organization suggested a method to commercialize domestic CCS for marine, established a national marine CO₂ wastes storage mapping, selected a demonstration site (Ulleung Basin), established a large-scale CO₂transportation system, designed a safe transfer and injection process, and developed a guideline in accordance with the ‘National CCS comprehensive implementation plan (Green Growth Committee etc, 2010.7)‘.


□ With the main items of MOU, joint research on CCS, information and personnel exchange etc., the MOU will give domestic research teams a chance to strengthen their capability in preparation for the demonstration project of the large-scale 1,000,000-ton CO₂marine underground storage that is planned to be implemented in 2016 in coordination with the US NETL, and is expected to be the base of international coordination research for the CCS international joint project.


□ NETL, a US Department of Energy-affiliated national research institute, manages CCS technology development and related practical national business in the USA. The institute has accumulated large scale CO₂storing experience and know-how.


※ About US NETL - National Energy Technology Laboratory ?US Department of Energy-affiliated organization ?Established year : 1910 ?President : Dr. Anthony Cugini - Taking the lead in US energy technology (Coal, natural gas, petroleum) and environment technology research - Yearly budget: About $ 2 billion (as of 2009)


ㅇ In particular, NETL takes the lead in CCS related R&D, large-scale demonstration, technology commercialization, public awareness, and the establishment of related systems in the USA, so it is possible to share its experiences in the field.



ㅇ It is expected that KORDI will be able to secure large-scale CCS on-site technology and expertise by participating in the NETL research project and local cooperation program to isolate CO₂ in the USA.


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Last Update : 2024-01-31