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Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology

The guidelines for KORDI Travel Awards

  • HITS : 10413
  • Date : 2011-12-22
KORDI Travel Awards Application.hwp 바로보기 KORDI Travel Awards Oath.hwp 바로보기

The KORDI Travel Awards Program was established by the Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute as part of a scholarship program to promote the development of future marine scientists. The program offers Korean students who are studying overseas (Masters or higher) an opportunity to participate in an academic community with a global reputation, and to contribute to the development of Marine Science in the Republic of Korea through cutting-edge scholarship in the field.

Forward-looking candidates with ambition and a passion for research are eligible to join the highly competitive list of applicants for the KORDI Travel Awards Program Scholarship. Approximately 10 candidates are selected per academic year. All applicants must be Republic of Korea nationals studying overseas. 

1. Application details: 
1) Requirements: Republic of Korea national, overseas student (Masters or higher) 
2) Major: marine science, resource economics, policy, law or other marine-related major Participation in Academic Conference to be held before 12.31. 2012. 
3) Number of scholarship grantees: Approximately 10 
4) Funding: 3 million won (per person / includes International Conference fee). 
5) Reports submitted as part of an application will not be returned. 
6) Failure to submit an attendance report and proof of attendance will result in cancellation of scholarship. 
To be submitted within two weeks of receipt of Advance Payment Fee Report and proof of attendance. (Within 2 weeks after participating)
* Proof of attendance: airline ticket and xss-document.d proof of presence (accommodation receipts)

2. Support and Selection Guide 
1) Required xss-document. for KORDI Travel Awards: 
- Plan for attending International Conference (submit in both Korean/ English) 
- Confirmation of attendance by advising professor (original copy) 
- Plan to attend Conference may be submitted via e-mail. However, Confirmation of attendance by the advising professor must be 
1) scanned and sent together with Plan, and 
2) mailed by envelope, separately. 

2) xss-document.Deadline: Tues, January 31, 2012 
- Must arrive before 17:00 (Seoul time) on the final deadline date

3) Announcement of primary and secondary finalists: 
- Successful applicants will be sent the results on an individual basis.

4) Third interview:
- Successful applicants will be sent details on an individual basis.

5) Other information:
- Applicants must submit the following xss-document. all together in one mailing. Applicants who do not submit the required xss-document. will be automatically disqualified. None of the submitted xss-document. will be returned.

3. xss-document. 
1) Plan for attending International Conference (1 copy) (1 Form / must be submitted both in Korean and in English) 
2) Certificate of academic enrollment (1 copy) (original) 
3) All personal academic tranxss-scripts (1 copy each) (original) 
4) 1 copy of Written Oath (Form 2) 
5) Recommendation from Advising Professor (Original and Additional xss-document.)

4. Obligations 
- To be submitted after attending International Conference: 
1) Analysis report of study trend that details research findings (A4 11pt, Approximately 15 pages). 
2) Conference Sourcebook (section relevant to grantee's report), photos and conference data 
3) Proof of attendance (ticket / hotel receipts must be identifiable as belonging to grantee)

5. Contact: Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute of Marine Sciences, International Relations Center Business Manager in charge of Future Marine Science Talent Selection (


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